Live Your Dreams

It is a story of 1938 of a person named Kerali of Algerian Army. He was the best pistol shooter at that time and had won all the national championship in his country. Almost Everyone believed that he was going to win 1940s Olympic gold as well. He really worked hard to achieve this and had only one dream that he wanted to be the world`s best pistol shooter. 

But suddenly in 1938 , during an army training , an accidents happened. A hand grenade was blasted in his hand and his right hand was gone. His dreams were ended. He had now two options
1. To cry whole life and hide away from this world.
2.To work hard to achieve his goal.

He chose second option. He did not focus on what was gone rather focused on what he had( left hand).
 A hand which he never used. After that he started training from his left hand. He returned after one year of training at national championship. Everyone congratulated him for coming and to see the game. No one knew that he was going to play and had trained his left hand. He said I am here to play. He won that national championship with his only hand. He wanted to win the Olympics 1940. 
But 1940 Olympics was cancelled due to world war 2. He then focused on 1944 but were cancelled.

After that he focused on 1948 Olympics. He was determined to win Olympic medal. That was the power of his commitment. At Olympics 1948, best shooter from the World were there to compete with their best hand and he was competing with his only hand. He won the Olympic gold and shocked the whole World.

He also competed in 1952 Olympics and won Gold again. He changed the whole history. Noone had won two consecutive Gold in pistol shooting. It was a World Record. 

Conclusion- If we see losers,we can find that they have list of excuses why they failed in life.     Where as a winner has only one reason to do, and he do and succeed.
